Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

We currently have the following positions available. Click on the job heading below for more information about the position, and then scroll to the bottom of the job and click 'Apply' to submit your details and application.

Showing 1 Job
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Externally-Advertised Opportunities

Occasionally we may recruit for some positions through an external agency. We will include a link to any positions being recruited for on this page.


Student Opportunities

The following are open to students interested in a career in the water industry.

Work Experience

Wage Classifications

Each position description has a wage classification listed that is relevant to the job. Details of classifications for the first full pay period after 10 May 2022 can be found in the table below.

GVW 1- 4: Operation & Maintenance Employees and Administrative & Technical Employees
SEO  1- 4: Senior Executive Officer Employees (Salary packages may include Salary+Superannuation+Vehicle)

*Rates of pay effective from 10 May 2022.

Wage classifications

Executive Management Team (EMT) Employees: General Manager positions and the Managing Director positions have individual contracts offered. These salary packages are classified through the Office for Public Sector Executive Remuneration (OPSER) police, guidelines and salary levels. These are established through the State Government and are not covered by GVW's Enterprise Agreement.

Further details of our wage classifications and salary ranges can be found in our classification summary (PDF, 68kB) or Enterprise Agreement (PDF, 8.4MB).


To be eligible for employment with us you must:

  • Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen; or
  • Have lodged an application for citizenship; or
  • Have a visa to live and work in Australia.

If you require clarification about our application process contact employment@gvwater.vic.gov.au

Victorian Government Careers
For more Victorian Government careers visit www.careers.vic.gov.au

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